* Oh My Goodness *

Where have I been? Well, I actually have spent the past few weeks of non-blog posts interviewing for and accepting a new job! And then looking for and getting a new apartment!

Needless to say, I am so relieved that 2011 has been quite a change from 2010.

I spent a good 2 hours today at Target just looking around at apartment stuff. My brain has been going a million miles an hour thinking about my new place; where things would go, what I need to get, what my color palette is going to be. I'm a huge planning dork. It is one of my personality traits that can be very fun, but also restricting.

I've spent the last few sleepless nights drawing decorating ideas all over my sketchbook.

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1 comment:

  1. I am SO PSYCHED for you. I know I haven't written you back but I'm going to because I want to know WHERE you're moving and what kind of job you got!!!!
