* Applecrest Farm *

There is an ongoing festival at Applecrest Farm for Labor Day weekend. It is the most beautiful, sprawling farm in Hampton Falls, NH. Hurricane Earl left us with a gorgeous day today, so we decided to make the most of it.

First off, there was a petting zoo. Which, in and of itself, is probably the most entertaining thing in the world. If not for the hilarious farm animals who are slobbering hands for grain and grass, then for the adorable kids who are at once mesmerized by and scared to death of the animals.

My favorite part was watching a baby goat practically knock its momma down as it forcefully tried to get some milk.

And, also this young boy who got cornered in by all the sheep.

They also had some bluegrass music and tons of fresh food. I ate half a burger and half a sausage sandwich. The best of both worlds.

Could not have asked for a better day.

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1 comment:

  1. I miss NH festivals.

    But not petting zoos. Those things scare me. Always have.
